Make a bigger impact with strategy-driven content
Everyone these days can be a writer, from teenagers blogging about true love to CEOs sharing expert insights into their field. If you enjoy writing and have the time to craft polished, in-depth content that provides unmistakable value to your target audience, then close this window and start typing.
But I’m willing to bet that even if you love to write, you struggle to find the time to create monthly articles and email campaigns in between the countless other priorities of your job and personal life. And how do you ensure all your hard work reaches the right people, drives them to take action, and moves you closer to fulfilling your mission?
That’s where I come in. You can grow your community and inspire people to support your cause, buy your product, or invest in your services without adding the full-time job of writer and content marketer to your plate.
Together, we can share your stories and expertise with strategy-driven content that connects with your community, amplifies your impact, and makes a lasting difference.
We needed a storyteller who could write about community-level change in an intimate way. Molly’s got a well-tuned ear, eye, and mind to find the heart of the story and articulate it in a compelling way. Her writing chops are inspired, her copy is crisp, and her process is smooth from start to finish. Kevin Heuer, Director of Engagement & Impact, Community Foundation Santa Cruz County
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June 27, 2019
When Writing Isn't The Answer
Writing is a powerful form of communication but it can ignite fear, anger, and misunderstanding if we abuse it. Sometimes, we need a reminder to reach out to others for a real conversation.